Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Grow Grass Grow!!

Grow Grass Grow!

Wow!  How fast time flies by.  It has already been 3 months of incredible work and play on the Nelson Ranch.  Grass is the main product that us Ranchers produce.  It feeds the cow pairs on pastures and on the Forest Permit. Grass hay is also managed to make the winter feed. Mid May the hay pastures are planted. At that time we also gather the cow pairs to brand and vaccinate the calves. In June we then turn 614 cow pairs into the USFS permit. It takes lots of dedicated work and management to create this incredible adventure.  Averie is Nelson Ranch 6th Generation Family Member.

Averie and Pappa Brian examining the lovely Grass 

Getting the fields ready to plant

Next field!

Nick cultivating around Muskrat Lake
After the planting phase in May, we gather the cattle to brand and vaccinate the calves.

Rounding up Bulls around Muskrat Lake

Katie, Averie and Matt bringing in cattle to the Corral

Averie and Katie on "Johnny Horse"

Great gathering Crew!

Watching the Gate

Getting Ready to start another day!

Cattle at the Ray's Allotment Corral

Averie Counting the cows on Frank

Gathering cattle at Toroda Creek

Holding cattle at the Gate 

Made it to the Corral!

Sorting Cattle at Tea's to Brand the calves

Magic Watching

 Magic pushing cattle into the Corral

Branding and Vaccinating Crew

Katie, Averie helping bring calf to chute pen

Branding at the Main Corral

In June, the cattle are gathered, paired up and taken to the Forest Service Permit for Summer Grazing. Grazing on the Forest is an excellant way to manage the grass and prevent Forest Fires.

Trucking right along!

At the Nicholson Corral

Unloading cattle at the Corral to next Turn out in the Forest

Come on Out!!

Cows are in the Corral to pair up with their calves

Can't wait to Go Out in Forest Heaven!

Here is my Calf!

Brian checking to make sure cows have their calves before going in the forest

Cows and Bulls go out for Summer Grazing

Katie, Averie and Frank ready to Push cows into the forest

Lets Go!!

What a great Cowgirl!

Trailing cow pairs down the road 

Making sure cows follow the trail deeper into the forest

Matt and Phoenix

Nick & Brian Making sure cows are paired up in the Forest

At Nicholson Camp Ground

Awesome Camp

Warming up by the Fire after moving the cows into the Forest

Averie and her "Dodge Pickup"

Averie brought her pony "Misty" to camp to ride around.

Pappa Brian with Averie and Misty

Averie riding her pony "Misty"

Averie was so Proud to get her Pony and Share her Joy!

Misty, Averie, and Grandma Cynthia

   Thanks everyone for viewing our Nelson Ranch's Story.  Us, Ranchers are very proud of what we do. Please go to  www.wabeef.org to see many recipes for beef and to see how important  quality beef  protein is for us to eat.

Cynthia Nelson "RancHer" & "Magic"

Cynthia Nelson

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