Sunday, March 18, 2018

March Madness!!

March Madness!

Welcome Back to the Nelson Ranch. The last several months have been quite a challenge for us due to the extreme winter weather issues. We had a record snow fall and have been plowing out for our cows to calve in their calving pens. We plow out the pens and put out lots of straw. We even had to rent a D 7 Cat to help with this process. As of today, we now have about 220 calves born.

Lovely Snow!

Front yard March 1st.

Brian plowing Front yard

Where to put the snow??

Plowing out the calving pens


Matt using Road Grader to help

Way to Go Matt!!
Tea's Ranch

Where is the Pen?

Big D 7 Cat to Help, Nick learning how to Drive it.

At Tea's Ranch

Awesome Job !, Nick, making pathways in the snow!

Averie  Learning how to Drive Too!

Averie Lee, 6th Generation Family Member, is  a great joy helping around the Ranch and loves to learn what we Ranchers do.  Here she wanting to learn from Matt, (Dad) and Nick how to drive this big Monster Machine!

Where to I start this?

Good Job!

Matt using Excavator to tidy up snow piles

Where is the Swing?

Sunny Morning

Cows waiting to come home to calve

Beautiful Morning

The Big snowfall begins!!

We like most Ranchers, Check our Cows every 4 hours round the Clock to identify which cows calve and if they are having any difficulties. Never a Dull Moment around Here!

Let the Calving Season Begin!!

Night shift check

Welcome to the World!

Drinking Along lots of Milk,  Yummy!!

First Time Mom,  Good Job Girl!

Sleeping calves

So Fun playing in the Snow

Heifer baby calves

How many born today??

Who is Next to Calve?

Brian and Nick tagging calves

Another One!

Now the Big Thaw Starting!

Willie helping clean Barn.  Great Job Kid!!

Heifer's first baby calf.

Let the Tagging Begin!!

Moving calves and moms to Pair Pasture after tagging and giving shots.

Way to Go Mom!!

Putting out more straw,  Nick and Brian at Tea's Ranch

Want to Help?

Starting to Thaw Out

What,  melting snowbank!!

Brian rescuing calf stuck in snowbank!

Finally thawing out.

Can see the ground again!!

Now the mud season comes.

Fabulous Snow Man Snow!!

Twins at Tea's Ranch

Warming up by the Fire on the Stormy Night

 We, Ranchers are very proud of what we do to help feed the world, even despite all the work it takes. Please check out for more wonderful information about us Washington Cattle Ranchers as well as for lots of Yummy recipes for our Quality Beef Products!

Thanks!  Cynthia Nelson  "RancHer"
