Tuesday, January 12, 2016

November/December/January Winter Feeding Time

Brian taking twine off  Bales

Feeding Time At the Ranch!
Where's the Hay?
Gathering the twine
Lovely Snow:  New Years Day!
Here it comes!

 Winter Feeding at the Nelson Ranch

Winter feeding usually starts at the Ranch around Late Nov. or Early December. 800 animals are fed every day after bringing most of them home from the Forest( 614 pairs)  Some hay is grown, usually about 500 Tons, on various fields around the Ranch, but this year the hay mostly had to be bought.  It takes 2.5 Tons of hay per animal, so around 2000 Tons of hay is used. The hay is then fed on winter pasture ground by Tractors and trucks. It takes about 5- 6 hours a day to feed. Starting at around 7 am and finishing around 1pm.  

Welcome Winter!

Bringing Hay by Trucks from Ephrata, Wa

Loading on to Nick's truck to feed.

At Warren Place Hay Stack

Cows are Hungry!

Feeding around Muskrat Lake Fall cow pairs.

Muskrat Lake feeding area

Ray's Allotment Feeding Area

Pasture behind Hay Stack Area

Early Morning
Feeding is done everyday until Spring when the grass finally grows!  Nelson Ranch team will start gearing up for the Calving Season which will start mid February. Stay Tuned in and visit our facebook Nelson Ranch page for updates as well!

Cynthia Nelson, Nelson Ranch