Sunday, September 11, 2016

Awesome Hay Season for the Nelson Ranch July/Aug 2016

2016  July/Aug Great Hay Season for Nelson Ranch

This year hay crop was totally opposite from last year's hay crop. The weather cooperated and over a 1000 round bales were made. There was lots of rain to make the grass and hay crop grow! Only about 35 round bales were not rained on. After cutting the hay into windrows, the hay was turned and dried between the rain spells. A moisture detector placed in the hay bale helped to indicate when it was ready to bale.  Overall, this indeed was a fantastic hay season for the Nelson Ranch Crew.

Nick Swathing Hay

Nick and Brian checking out the windrows

Lovely Hay Windrows!

Brian Swathing Hay

Nick making Round Bales

Hay at the Warren Place 
Red Tail Hawk Looking for Mice on Hay Bale

Even the Wildlife birds appreciate all the hay bales!  They like to sit on them to watch for mice in the field.
Off he goes!!

Nick making bales

Making Hay while the Sun shines!!

Wonderful hay windrows at the Warren Place

Muskrat lake by Warren Place

Fantastic Hay Field 

Brian showing off how tall the hay is!

Cynthia and Garrett

Cutting Right Along!

Garrett Having Fun!!

Averie, Katie and Brian

Averie, the 6th generation of the Nelson Ranch!

Averie and Grandpa Brian enjoying the hay harvest. 

Way to Go "Grandpa"!!

Having Fun in the Hay Field!!

Stacking Hay From the Field 

Finally done!

2016 was a very wonderful hay harvest for the Nelson Ranch.

Cynthia Nelson

Next Post will Feature Roundup Time!

Saturday, July 2, 2016

May/June 2016 Branding Time and Turnout

Nelson Ranch 2016 Branding/Turnout Time

Welcome to the Nelson Ranch's picture story of 2016 Branding and Turnout.  After the long calving season the calves are then branded and vaccinated. It takes several weeks to do them all, most of April and May.  Then in June the cattle pairs are gathered from the local pastures and then turned out on the Forest Service Permit which takes about 2 weeks to complete. 

Ready to Go

John and Tyler  pushing calves to chute.

Nick Branding

Cynthia Vaccinating

                                 It was a very wet Spring Season!

Helping with Gate

Averie, Katie and Grandpa Brian

Averie and Katie checking out Calves at Corral
After Branding in May the Cow pairs are then gathered and taken to the Forest. 614 pairs are turned out in June. 

Billie helping gather pairs from local pasture

Gathering Cow Pairs from Newman's pasture

John Looking for Cow Pairs

John and Emitt on "Hank"

John and Emitt helping sort Pairs in Corral

Billie helping sort Cow Pairs

Cynthia and "Magic"  sorting Cow Pairs

Nick and "Jessie"

Great Cow Horse: Jessie and Nick

After Cow pairs are sorted, they are trailered to the Forest for the summer grazing time. 

Lovely Green Grass

Finally going in the Forest

Out they go!

John making sure they go down trail

Brian checking out Path 
Another Batch Out

Crew Warming Up 

Averie and Jessie 

Matt, Katie and Averie

Turnout Trailer Crew at Squaw Camp

Squaw Camp Turnout

June is also Baby Foal Time at the Nelson Ranch

Grace and Red Dun Filly born June 2, 2016


Awesome Fall Calf

Another Fall Calf

Missy and Colt born May 28,2016

Stay tuned for the next update from the Nelson Ranch blog:  Haying Season!

Cynthia Nelson, Nelson Ranch