Thursday, July 16, 2015

June: Turnout and Baby Foals!

June: Turnout Time!

June is the Month when we gather the cattle pairs in our home pastures and turn most of them out on our Forest Permit.  We have a 614 Pair permit.  It usually takes 2-3 weeks to gather,sort the pairs, and haul them to different areas on the Forest Permit. It is about 35 miles to the main Forest Corrals. 

Cow Pairs on Teas 

Brian on "Frank"

Getting some Bulls

Pairs around Pond at Teas

Stephanie and "Outlaw" Pairing up cows and calves at Toroda Creek Corral

"Pairing Up"

Nick on "Jessie"  Stephanie on "Outlaw"

"Colorful Calf"

"Going down the Road"

Trucking Right Along.

Releasing to Forest Pasture: John's Rig

Brian's Rig

"Garrett and "Sage" Supervising

Come on Out!

John and Brian

First Foal! Born 0n June 7 2015

Second Foal Born on June 15,2015

"Way Cute!"

We also haul the cattle via Semi Truck to the Main Forest Corral and then push the cow pairs deeper into the Forest on Horseback. 

Unloading cattle from Semi Truck

Cows are "Pairing Up" with their calves before we push them further in the Forest

Stephanie  on "Outlaw"

Gearing up to Ride

Turnout Crew Saddling Horses

"Magic ready to Go."

Mike's  Copilot.

Taking cow pairs out of Forest Corral and going down roads/trails to disperse them into the Forest Pastures.

Moving Out of Corral

Going down Forest Road

Up to the Mountains!

Miles of Forest where cow pairs go for the summer!

Lovely Mountain Forest

Having a Picnic after a long Day of Riding!

Heifers at the Home Range

Having a Executive Meeting at the Home Corral

Fall Calves that were gathered and sent to Feedlot Late June

Third  Foal Born July 9,2015

All the cow pairs are now in the forest and the Rest of July/August is Haying Time.
                                              Cynthia Nelson, Nelson Ranch