Sunday, May 11, 2014

Branding Time !

Branding time is finally here. We now have about 500 + calves born and we are branding and vaccinating groups of 150.  We gather them around the pastures and bring them to the corrals to do the branding and vaccinating process. After branding we put them out in pastures where the grass is beginning to grow before we turn them out in the Forest Permits in early June. During this time, Nick and Brian also check all the fences as well as start planting the hay fields. Never a dull moment!
On horseback to gather cows to corral
 Our crew consists of Nick, Brian, Sarah,  Robin and Matt during this gathering.

Sorting out Bulls from the Fall cow group

Moving to Ray's Allotment Corral
Another "Colorful Cow Calf Pair!"

Branding Crew this day was Tyler, Erin, Nick, Stephanie and Robin

Erin pushing calves in chute

Way to go Erin!! Stephanie supervising and helping close chute as well as vaccinating calves. 
Tyler and Erin putting calves in chute
Nick Branding, Robin Vaccinating
Nick Branding, Stephanie and Robin Vaccinating
Awesome crew this day!!!
Cows finally out in Spring Pastures,  Grass is finally Green!

Grow Grass!!

Lovely Green Grass & Trees

Beautiful Spring Aspen Trees by Canadian Border

Happy Cow!

Even some Elk around!
June will bring the season to turn out the cow pairs in the National Forest Permits as well as finishing planting the hay fields. This is also another extremely busy time of the year!

Cynthia Nelson, Nelson Ranch