Monday, December 22, 2014

Happy Holidays!! Nov/Dec Weaning Time and Winter Feeding

Weaning Time
November and December we gather the cows and calves from the home pastures after Roundup from the forest to wean the calves. We then send most of them to Para Livestock Feedlot, Othello, Wa where they are fed from 550 pounds average weaning weight to about 1300 pounds harvest weight by  Sept 2015.

Brian on "Buddy"
Gathering pairs by "Warren Place" Homestead
Pasture by Canadian Border
Stephanie on "Outlaw", Brian on "Frank" at Canadian Border pasture
Nick sorting Calves
Sending by truck to Para Livestock
Paperwork for sending by truck being done at the "Office"

Last of the cows being found in the Forest at Cow Camp Corral

Hauling out of Cow Camp, Actually made it out with chains!
Winter Feeding Starting for all 800+ animals! Dec 10th.
It takes most of the morning to feed all of them by tractor/wagon and trucks.

Brian feeding with tractor/wagon
Feeding by Muskrat Lake
Feeding by Ray's Allotment
Mt. Baldy in the Backgd/  Ray's Allotment Winter Feeding Grounds
Nick Feeding Bulls at Colble's Pasture
Winter has settled in the Northwest
Where has the year gone??
We at the Nelson Ranch had a great 2014 year and we are looking forward to a Fantastic 2015 New Year!!

Brian on "Frank, Cynthia on "Magic" The "A"Team Members

Happy Holidays!
Cynthia Nelson

Friday, October 10, 2014

Where did the Summer Go? Already Sept/Oct Roundup Time at the Ranch.

Beaver Canyon Corral
Steer Calf in Forest

Roundup Crew
Summer flew by, everyone kept busy in July participating in the 4th of  July Chesaw
 Rodeo and Making hay in August/Sept. It is already October and Roundup is in full progress! 

Lots of Fun at the Chesaw Rodeo!

Cow Riding Event
Making Hay was the Priority in late July and Aug. 

Hay making by the Warren Place
Roundup is now in Full Swing! We roundup the cows on the forest permits and bring them home for winter. 

Cows in 40,000 acres of Forest !

Magic and Frank, the A Team of horses!

Heading Out

Nick, Stephanie, Melissa

Cows at Cow Camp
Cow Camp Roundup Day Crew
Gathering Cows Together

Cows are gathered over several areas and then brought together to take to the Corral to haul home. Weaning time will then be the next phase in Nov/Dec.

Cynthia Nelson, Nelson Ranch

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Turnout Time and Baby Foals!!

June is Turnout Time!!

June is turnout time to the National Forest permits and the month of  baby foals being born on the Nelson Ranch!!  We gather the cows at the local pastures and take them to the forest permits. It takes about 2 weeks to turn out 614 pairs.

Getting Ready to Gather Cows

Found Some!!

Roundup Point at Gate

Going Down Road to Corral

Sorting to go in Trailers

 The cows are gathered at the various pastures and then sorted into trailers to haul to the Forest Permits.

Ready to Open Out to Forest

Going Into Forest

Heading Out into Forest

Some pairs are hauled to the Forest in Semi's and then put in Corrals to pair up before pushing further into the Forest by horseback.

Semi at Forest Corral

Going Into Corral to Pair Up

Pairing up before going into Forest

Finally Out!!

Social Hour after Turnout
Relaxing After Riding all day pushing cows further into the forest. Hot Dogs are Great!
Meeting of the "Minds" for Instructions From Brian 

Pushing Pairs further into Forest areas. Brittney and Ruby
More Gathering at Local Pastures
Tyler, Sara, Nick and Stephanie Horseback

 New Foals arrived!!  Grace had her foal June 8th, A lovely Red Dun Filly

Just Born this Morning about 6 am!


Grace and "Faith" at Teas Ranch

Dandy had her Foal June 10th!!  A lovely Red Filly. Future cowhorse!

I am Sleepy!
Already Cute and Sassy!
It takes 2 weeks or so to Turnout the cow pairs in the Forest Permits. They stay out until Roundup Time in Mid September. July and August are months of  Putting out salt for them and moving them around in the Forest Units. It is also the time at the Ranch for Making Hay. Will share more on haymaking soon!!
Enjoy the Summer Months,  Short and Sweet!

Cynthia Nelson, Nelson Ranch